Does the value gap really exist? Today at the MIDEM 2018 in Cannes

Copyright holders and performers see themselves at a disadvantage.It is postulated that in order to avoid this value gap liability privileges for content on hosting platforms with user generated content should be repealed and clarified by the legislature so that operators are directly liable under copyright law as perpetrators for content posted by users. At the present time in the music industry in particular, rights holders feel that they are not receiving adequate provision for the exploitation of their content on hosting platforms such as YouTube and Facebook, for example, in connection with an existing value gap. This will be dicussed today in Cannes at the IAEL Seminar. at 2.30 pm. The liability privileges of hosting providers (Art. 14 E-Commerce Directive 2000/31/EC, section 10 German Telemedia Act (TMG)) is given as the reason for this value gap. New business models in the digital world have led to significant changes in recent years. 20 years ago it was inconceivable that individual music tracks, albums or even an entire collection of albums could be listened to on a mobile phone. In contrast it is virtually taken for granted today that an unlimited amount of music or even video content can be enjoyed on a smartphone at any time and place. This has not only displaced existing services and business models, but has also led to new forms of exploitation and changes to the copyright value chain.

  • Looking Forward to disuss this issues today as one of the paticipants on the panel in Cannes.

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